Statistics tutoring for doctoral students and dissertations
Knowledge of statistics is indispensable in many scientific fields in order to analyze empirical data and draw well-founded conclusions. A solid understanding of statistics and data analysis is essential, especially for graduate students writing their own dissertation. But not every doctoral student has sufficient previous knowledge and not everyone has the opportunity to deal with it sufficiently during their studies.
This is where "Statistical Consulting and Data Analysis by Leonardo Miljko" comes into play. The company offers statistics tutoring for doctoral students nationwide, also online and internationally. Doctoral students have the opportunity to refresh their knowledge of statistics, to prepare for data analysis in their dissertation or to deepen specific topics. Tutoring is also ideal as background knowledge before the doctoral examination (defense).
But the offer of "Statistical Consulting and Data Analysis Leonardo Miljko" goes far beyond that. The company also supports doctoral students with empirical work and statistical data analysis by providing help and supervision for their own dissertation. Programs such as SPSS, AMOS and Excel can be used to evaluate and visualize the data. The company also helps with the supervision of students by providing the necessary security and providing support with competent advice.
So if you are a doctoral student and need support with statistics and data analysis, you are in good hands with “Statistical Consulting and Data Analysis Leonardo Miljko Gew.”. Thanks to the nationwide tutoring and individual support, even complex topics can be conveyed in an understandable way and contribute to the successful completion of the dissertation.
"Used Source: ChatGPT"

Statistics revision course - refresh your knowledge of statistics for doctoral students

Statistics revision course - refresh your knowledge of statistics for doctoral students

The study of statistics is essential for data analysis and interpretation in many scientific disciplines. It is particularly important for doctoral students to familiarize themselves with the basics and advanced methods of statistics in order to be able to correctly interpret and present their research results.

Statistics tutoring for doctoral students & dissertations

Statistics tutoring for doctoral students & dissertations

Statistics is an important part of many courses and dissertations. But not every student has the same prior knowledge and skills in this area. Doctoral students often have difficulties analyzing data and interpreting the results. In order to overcome these hurdles, many doctoral students use statistics tutoring from “Statistical Consulting and Data Analysis Leonardo Miljko gew.”.

Statistical preparation for the defense of dissertations, doctoral theses

Statistical preparation for the defense of dissertations, doctoral theses

For many students, defending a dissertation or doctoral thesis is one of the most important exams of their lives. It is often not only important to have a deep understanding of your own research area, but also to have statistical knowledge and skills in order to appropriately present and defend your own results.

Statistics tutoring for doctoral students and dissertations

Statistics tutoring for doctoral students and dissertations
Knowledge of statistics is indispensable in many scientific fields in order to analyze empirical data and draw well-founded conclusions. A solid understanding of statistics and data analysis is essential, especially for graduate students writing their own dissertation. But not every doctoral student has sufficient previous knowledge and not everyone has the opportunity to deal with it sufficiently during their studies.


Statistische Beratung und Datenanalyse Leonardo Miljko gew.
Zum Alten Hofgarten 21,
DE-94405 Landau an der Isar
Tel.: +49-178-8955-751
Viber/WhatsApp: +387-63-997-996
Statistische Beratung und Datenanalyse Leonardo Miljko gew.
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