Exploratory factor analysis – KMO and Bartlett’s test.  Article: Understanding the Antecedents of Perceived Authenticity to Predict Cultural Tourists’ Behavioral

Exploratory factor analysis – KMO and Bartlett’s test. Article: Understanding the Antecedents of Perceived Authenticity to Predict Cultural Tourists’ Behavioral

Exploratory factor analysis – KMO and Bartlett’s test.  
Article: Understanding the Antecedents of Perceived Authenticity to Predict Cultural Tourists’ Behavioral

Exploratory factor analysis – KMO and Bartlett’s test.

Article: Understanding the Antecedents of Perceived Authenticity to Predict Cultural Tourists’ Behavioral

Intention: The Case of Cambodia’s Angkor Wat A thesis presented to the faculty of The Gladys W. and David H. Patton College of Education of Ohio University In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree Master of Science

Ellen Hong


HONG, ELLEN, M.S., August 2021,

Hospitality and Tourism Understanding the Antecedents of Perceived Authenticity to Predict Cultural Tourists’ Behavioral Intention: The Case of Cambodia’s Angkor Wat Director of Thesis: Hyeyoon Rebecca Choi Culture has been long identified by numerous marketers and consumer behavioral theorists as an important factor influencing tourists’ traveling intentions. Tourist behavioral intention is also a prominent topic of interest for many researchers within the hospitality industry. This paper aim to determine the antecedents of cultural tourists’ behavioral intention specifically in the case of Cambodia’s cultural heritage site, Angkor Wat temple. Factors including uniqueness, scarcity, longevity, longitudinal consistency, perceived authenticity (object-based and existential), and behavioral intention were examined using Structural Equation Model (SEM). This study offers insights into the factors that affect tourists’ intention to visit Angkor Wat. Cambodia’s related government body and destination marketers can utilize this knowledge to create effective marketing campaigns as a mean to boost Cambodia’s economy through tourism.


Link: https://StatistischeDatenanalyse.de/Citations/Hong_Ellen_Accepted_Thesis_5-5-21Su21.pdf   

Link: https://etd.ohiolink.edu/acprod/odb_etd/ws/send_file/send?accession=ohiou1620270040944891&disposition=inline


Link: www.StatistischeDatenAnalyse.de Video StatistischeBeratung 1280 x 720 px

Link: YouTube Video - How to interpret KMO (Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin test) and Bartlett´s test - EFA (Exploratory Factor Analysis)

How to interpret  KMO (Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin test) and Bartlett´s test - EFA (Exploratory Factor Analysis)


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