NVivo and we can help
Statistical analysis refers to the tools and techniques which bring meaning to data, drawing out insights, solutions and evidence.
The statistical consulting team at The Statistical Agency has a track record of helping research scholars with both quantitative and qualitative data analysis.
Preventivni program:
Povećanje blagostanja adolescenata kroz jačanje protektivnih faktora u školskom okruženju
Preventivni program IZVJEŠTAJ O REZULTATIMA PROGRAMA 2018 Povećanje blagostanja adolescenata kroz jačanje protektivnih faktora u školskom okruženju.pdf
At The Statistical Consulting & Collaboration Services we offer quality statistical consultancy during the entire lifespan of a clinical trial or veterinary study.
Survey Data Analysis is often believed to be some sort of ‘number crunching’. Though some number crunching is required for the analysis of Survey Data, but in real terms ‘Survey Data Analysis” is something less esoteric. The main purpose of data analysis is to explore hidden insights that can improve understanding and help in better decision making. Therefore, we can define “Survey Data Analysis” as a process of story telling using the survey results.
Data analytics (DA) is the science of examining raw data with the purpose of drawing conclusions about that information.
All teaching and training is specifically tailored towards the need of the client.